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Quran Reveals About Uniqueness of Fingertips

Quran Reveals About Uniqueness of Fingertips

Finger Scanning Machine Working Thumb Impression

With billions of human population on earth, no one is identical to another. Not only face but Every person’s voice, Eye Retina, Ear curves ridges, and tongue print is as unique as a fingerprint. Even identical twins have different fingerprints. Although fingerprints did not mean much to the people in ancient Arab at the time of descent of the Quran. But look what Quran says almost 1400 years ago in Surah Qiyamah verses 3-4.

٣ أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنْسَانُ أَلَّنْ نَجْمَعَ عِظَامَهُ

٤ بَلَىٰ قَادِرِينَ عَلَىٰ أَنْ نُسَوِّيَ بَنَانَهُ

Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?

Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. Surah Qiyamah 75:3-4

Identity of Fingerprints
Finger Tips Signals
Why does the Quran, while talking about the determination of the identity of the individual, express specifically about fingertips?. It is because of the reason which now we know that fingerprint is unique to every person. Every person has a set of unique fingerprints. Not only this, even identical twins having the substantially same DNA sequence have their own set of fingerprints.

Data Concealed In Fingertips
Animation of Fingerprint Maze
Thus we can say that people’s identities are coded at their fingertips. This coding can also be compared to the barcode system that is used today, which was invented by the inspiration of the speciality of difference in human fingerprints. It is only in the late 19th century that fingerprinting became the scientific method of identification, before then, people thought of fingerprints as ordinary curves without any particular significance or meaning.

Proof Of Identity
Fingerprint Match
Fingerprints achieve their ultimate shape before birth and remain the same for a lifetime unless a permanent scar develops. That is why fingerprints are accepted as a vital proof of identity. Fingerprints are visible on the fingers of an unborn baby in the womb of its mother when the pregnancy is between 14 and 17 weeks.

This identity card cannot be forged, and it affixes a unique signature to whatever it touches. Thus God tells us that the resurrection will be in such a fine detail.

The fifth word of verse 75:4 is a form II imperfect verb فعل مضارع. The verb is first person plural and is in the subjunctive mood منصوب. The verb’s root is (س و ي). This root occurs 83 times in the Quran, in seven derived forms.

V – 1st person plural (form II) imperfect verb, subjunctive mood فعل مضارع منصوب

(س و ي): To be worth, equivalent to. Sawwa سوی : To level, complete, arrange, make uniform, even, congruous, consistent in its parts, fashion in a suitable manner, make adapted to the exigencies or requirements, perfect a thing, put a thing into a right or good state. Istawâ استوی: To establish, become firm or firmly settled, turn to a thing, to direct one’s direction to a thing, mount. ‘Alâ Sawâin علی سوی : On terms of equality i.e. in such a manner that each party should know that it is free of its obligations; At par. Sawiyyun: Even; Right; Sound in mind and body. Sawiyyan: Beinginsound health. “Sawaituhu” as in 38:72/”Fasawwahuna” 41:12 /”Sawwun” Equality, equability, uniformity or evenness/”Sawwii” Complete or full; right or direct; of symmetrical and good and uniform make, “Sawiya” سويا as in 19:17/”Istawa” mean fashioned them as in 2:29& 82:7& proportioned as in 38:72& turned as in 2:29&41:11 established firmly seated as in 25:59/stand firmly/rose as in 25:59& 53:6 and equal/even/same as in 13:10 So means established/Perfected/ manifested/fashioned/equal/Even/turned towards.

The sixth word of verse 75:4 is divided into two morphological segments. A noun and possessive pronoun. The noun is masculine and is in the accusative case منصوب. The noun’s root is (ب ن ن). The attached possessive pronoun is third person masculine singular. This root occurs twice in the Quran as the noun banān بَنَان.

N – accusative masculine noun اسم منصوب والهاء ضمير متصل في محل جر بالاضافة

PRON – 3rd person masculine singular possessive pronoun

(ب ن ن): To stand fast, remain in a place. Banân بنان (collective noun). Tips of the fingers; Fingers; All the limbs. Banân بنان also represents a person’ s power and strength, as by means of his fingers he grasps an object and defends himself. “Abanna Bilmakan” He kept or clove to the place, Or he remained continued stayed dwelt or abode in the place.

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Fakta tentang dasar lautan yang gelap

Manusia tidak mampu menyelam di laut dengan kedalaman di bawah 40 meter tanpa peralatan khusus. Dalam sebuah buku berjudul Oceans juga dijelaskan, pada kedalaman 200 meter hamper tidak dijumpai cahaya, sedangkan pada kedalaman 1000 meter tidak terdapat cahaya sama sekali.

Kondisi dasar laut yang gelap baru bisa diketahui setelah penemuan teknologi canggih. Namun Alquran telah menjelaskan keadaan dasar lautan semenjak ribuan tahun lalu sebelum teknologi itu ditemukan. Alquran surat An Nur ayat 40 menjelaskan mengenai fakta ilmiah ini.

“Atau seperti gelap gulita di lautan yang dalam, yang diliputi oleh ombak, yang di atasnya ombak (pula), di atasnya (lagi) awan; gelap gulita yang tindih-bertindih, apabila dia mengeluarkan tangannya, tiadalah dia dapat melihatnya, (dan) barang siapa yang tiada diberi cahaya (petunjuk) oleh Allah tiadalah dia mempunyai cahaya sedikit pun.” (QS An Nuur: 40).

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Fakta tentang cap jari manusia

Setiap manusia memiliki ciri cap jari yang unik dan berbeda antara satu orang dengan lainnya. Keunikan cap jari baru ditemukan pada abad 19. Sebelum penemuan itu, sidik jari hanya dianggap sebagai lengkungan biasa yang tidak memiliki arti.

Alquran surat Al Qiyaamah ayat 3-4 menjelaskan tentang kekuasaan Allah untuk menyatukan kembali tulang belulang orang yang telah meninggal, bahkan Allah juga mampu menyusun kembali ujung-ujung jarinya dengan sempurna.

QS Al Qiyamah ayat 3-4:
“Apakah manusia mengira, bahwa Kami tidak akan mengumpulkan (kembali) tulang belulangnya?”
“Bukan demikian, sebenarnya Kami kuasa menyusun (kembali) jari jemarinya dengan sempurna.”


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Fakta tentang jenis kelamin bayi

Hasil penemuan ilmu genetika abad 20 menjelaskan bahwa jenis kelamin seorang bayi ditentukan oleh air mani dari pria. Dalam air mani pria terdapat kromosom x yang berisi sifat-sifat kewanitaan dan kromosom y berisi sifat kelaki-lakian. Sedangkan dalam sel telur wanita hanya mengandung kromosom x yang mengandung sifat-sifat kewanitaan. Jenis kelamin seorang bayi tergantung pada sperma yang membuahi, apakah mengandung kromosom x atau y.

Alquran telah menjelaskan fakta itu dalam surat An Najm ayat 45-46, “Dialah yang menciptakan berpasang-pasangan pria dan wanita, dari air mani, apabila dipancarkan.”

Sebelum penemuan itu diperoleh, masyarakat menganggap bahwa penentu jenis kelamin berasal dari wanita.

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Fakta tentang penciptaan manusia dalam 3 tahap

Dalam Alquran surat Az Zumar ayat 6 dijelaskan, manusia diciptakan dalam tubuh ibunya dalam tiga tahapan.

“Dia menciptakan kamu dari seorang diri kemudian Dia jadikan daripadanya isterinya dan Dia menurunkan untuk kamu delapan ekor yang berpasangan dari binatang ternak. Dia menjadikan kamu dalam perut ibumu kejadian demi kejadian dalam tiga kegelapan. Yang (berbuat) demikian itu adalah Allah, Tuhan kamu, Tuhan Yang mempunyai kerajaan. Tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) selain Dia; maka bagaimana kamu dapat dipalingkan?”

Perkembangan ilmu Biologi modern telah berhasil mengungkap petunjuk dari ayat itu. Pertumbuhan bayi di dalam rahim melewati tiga tahap (tiga kegelapan). Alquran menggunakan istilah ‘kegelapan’ karena memang proses penciptaan manusia dalam perut ibu terjadi di dalam rahim yang gelap. Tahap-tahap itu, pertama, tahap Pre-embrionik, zigot tumbuh membesar melalui pembelahan sel kemudian menjadi segumpalan sel yang membenamkan diri pada dinding rahim. Seiring pertumbuhan zigot, sel-sel penyusunnya mengatur diri mereka sendiri untuk membentuk tiga lapisan.

Kedua, tahap Embrionik yang berlangsung lima setengah minggu. Bayi pada tahap ini disebut “embrio”. Organ dan sistem tubuh bayi juga mulai terbentuk.

Ketiga tahap fetus yang dimulai sejak kehamilan bulan 8 hingga lahir. Pada tahap ini bayi telah menyerupai manusia dengan wajah, kedua tangan dan kakinya.

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Fakta penciptaan berpasang-pasangan

Surat Yaasin ayat 36 menjelaskan, Allah menciptakan segala sesuatu secara berpasang-pasang. Dalam ayat lain, Allah uga berfirman, “Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingat akan kebesaran Allah.” (QS Adz-Zaariyat: 49).

Menurut ayat ini, Allah menciptakan yang berpasangan tidak hanya manusia, melainkan segala sesuatu yang tumbuh dari bumi dan berbagai partikel yang tidak terlihat mata.

Seorang ilmuwan asal Inggris, Paul Dirac, berhasil melakukan penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa materi diciptakan secara berpasangan. Penemuannya dinamakan ‘Parite. Dia memperoleh Nobel di bidang fisika pada tahun 1933 karena penemuannya itu.

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Fakta tentang besi dalam al Quran

Besi adalah salah satu logam berat yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan. Dalam Alquran surat Al Hadiid ayat 25 menjelaskan bahwa Allah menurunkan besi yang memiliki kekuatan hebat dan memiliki banyak manfaat bagi manusia.

“Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus rasul-rasul Kami dengan membawa bukti-bukti yang nyata dan telah Kami turunkan bersama mereka Alkitab dan neraca (keadilan) supaya manusia dapat melaksanakan keadilan. Dan Kami turunkan (anzalnaa) besi yang padanya terdapat kekuatan yang hebat dan berbagai manfaat bagi manusia, (supaya mereka mempergunakan besi itu) dan supaya Allah mengetahui siapa yang menolong (agama)-Nya dan rasul-rasul-Nya, padahal Allah tidak dilihatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah Mahakuat lagi Mahaperkasa.”

Dalam ayat ini, kata “anzalnaa” memiliki arti “kami turunkan” digunakan untuk menunjuk besi. Apabila diartikan secara kiasan kata “anzalnaa” menjelaskan bahwa besi diciptakan untuk memberi manfaat bagi manusia.

Apabila mengartikan kata itu secara harfiah, yakni “secara bendawi diturunkan dari langit”, maka diperoleh arti bahwa besi diturunkan dari langit. Beberapa ilmuwan telah berhasil membuktikan kebenaran ayat itu. Partikel besi tidak berasal dari bumi melainkan berasal dari benda-benda luar angkasa.

Paling tidak, terdapat sembilan ayat dalam Alquran yang membahas dan menjelaskan tentang besi. Salah satunya, “Dan Allah menjadikan bagimu tempat bernaung dari apa yang telah Dia ciptakan, dan Dia jadikan bagimu tempat-tempat tinggal di gunung-gunung, dan Dia jadikan bagimu pakaian yang memeliharamu dari panas dan pakaian (baju besi) yang memelihara kamu dalam peperangan. Demikianlah Allah menyempurnakan nikmat-Nya atasmu agar kamu berserah diri (kepada-Nya).” (QS An-Nahl: ayat 81)

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Miracle Of Iron’s Origin In Quran

Stars Are Like Factories
Fusion process in stars
When the universe created, there was just hydrogen and a little helium and very little of Lithium. Stars are like factories, everything else is produced in the stars like carbon, oxygen iron, etc. It works just like layers in an onion. First Hydrogen having one proton in its nucleus starts burning by Fusion under immense pressure and some 15 million Celsius temperature, and it produces two things energy and heavier element helium with two protons in its nucleus. Then helium being heavier collects in the center and it also goes into Fusion and produces energy and Carbon and Oxygen. The process goes on and heavier elements like carbon go into Fusion to produce other elements until it reaches to Iron which has 26 protons in its nucleus. Here the Fusion stops as Iron does not go into Fusion and it keep on collecting in the center of the star until all its resources get consumed.

Iron Is Not Native
Iron Atomic NumberThe heavier elements like Iron, Carbon, Sulphur, Gold, and others do not belong to Earth. Not only this, they do not even belong to our solar system as these elements could only produce inside the core of a star many times bigger than the size of our sun. Iron Atomic structureIron and most of the heavy elements on Earth came from the collapse of some star which exploded and threw out its material in space. Such a star is called super Nova, the death of a star and birth of something new. The blast usually is so powerful that it forces more heavy elements like gold, lead, platinum to produce. And this is fortunate for us as we could not be here if such things have not been happening.

Now look what the Quran says 1400 years ago in Surah Hadid Verse 25.

٢٥ لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلَنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ وَأَنْزَلْنَا مَعَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْمِيزَانَ لِيَقُومَ النَّاسُ بِالْقِسْطِ ۖ وَأَنْزَلْنَا الْحَدِيدَ فِيهِ بَأْسٌ شَدِيدٌ وَمَنَافِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَلِيَعْلَمَ اللَّهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ وَرُسُلَهُ بِالْغَيْبِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ

Indeed We sent Our Messengers with Clear Signs, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance that people may uphold justice. And We sent down Iron, wherein there is mighty power and many benefits for people, so that Allah may know who, without even having seen Him, helps Him and His Messengers. Surely Allah is Most Strong, Most Mighty. Surah Hadid 57:25

Miracle In The Use Of Word “أَنْزَلْنَا”
Black Smith Making WeaponsWhat a miraculous verse as it contains such facts not know even a few decades ago. The verse says that God sent down Iron. The word used here is “أَنْزَلْنَا” literal meaning is “To descend, come down” this word Quran uses for sending down of revelations, Holy scriptures, Angels and for God’s Blessings along with Afflictions that befall on Earth etc. So this word is not an ordinary word in the context of this verse and in context of Iron as it clearly shows us that Quran is pointing clearly here that Iron does not belong to Earth and God actually sent it down for us to use it for various purposes. You can ask that why only Iron is mentioned while as I stated above that science tells us that all heavy elements actually do not belong to the earth and have their origin in cores of massive stars that exploded at the end of their lives.

Miracle In The Use Of Word “بَأْسٌ”
Animation of Sword fighting
For this you need to focus on the next words of this verse where the Quran says that “فِيهِ بَأْسٌ شَدِيدٌ” that is in Iron there is mighty power. Now read the first two paragraphs where I told you that in stars Iron is the last element where Fusion stops as Iron does not go into Fusion and it keep on collecting in the center of the star until all its resources get consumed. This shows the mighty power of nuclear bond of Iron that this is the only element in this entire universe present inside cores of burning stars but itself doesn’t break down and ultimately stops the Fusion and become a cause of ending the life of a burning star. So actually Iron is the central character of this script and all other heavy elements then later come from Iron when the star collapse and explode as a super Nova.

Further Miracle In The Use Of Word “بَأْسٌ”
Also if you look below the section “DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE IMPORTANT WORDS” you can see that the word “بَأْسٌ” has in it the meaning of Harm, Power, Violence, Adversity, Conflict. That is another miracle as by the use of Iron, Man has made swords and other latest military weapons that not only have might in them but also bring Harm, Violence and Adversity to humankind. Therefore just after that Quran says that it also has “مَنَافِعُ” benefits for mankind.

Another Miracle In The Use Of Word “حَدِيدَ” Hadid.
If you look below the section “DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE IMPORTANT WORDS” you can see that the word “حَدِيدَ” “Iron” is derived from the root word (ح د د) which actually means “a limit.” Remember “حُدُودُ اللَّهِ” “The limits [set by] Allah.” The word Hard “حَدّ” means Limit, Prevention, hindrance, a bar, an obstruction, a partition or a separation between two things or places to prevent their mixture; a limit or boundary, utmost end of a thing. Now read the first paragraph of this article again, and you will see that Iron has all these meanings in itself. That is it produces inside stars and act as “a limit” for Fusion process, “a prevention” from further nuclear reaction, “a partition or a separation between two things” that is the inner core of star with Iron not fusing and outer core of star still under Fusion and thus stopping their mixture, “utmost end of a thing” as already stated this (Iron) is the end of this process in stars as here the Fusion stops.

Animation Of Iron Minning
In addition to the mighty power in Iron Quran also says that in Iron are many benefits for the people. For this other than the known military and industrial benefits look what a scientist says about Iron.

In a book Nature’s Destiny the author Microbiologist Michael Denton says

“Of all the metals, there is none more essential to life than Iron. It is the accumulation of Iron in the center of a star which triggers a supernova explosion and the subsequent scattering of the vital atoms of life throughout the cosmos. It was the drawing by gravity of iron atoms to the center of the primeval earth that generated the heat which caused the initial chemical differentiation of the earth, the outgassing of the early atmosphere, and ultimately the formation of the hydrosphere. It is molten Iron in the center of the earth which, acting like a gigantic dynamo, generates the earth’s magnetic field, which in turn creates the Van Allen radiation belts that shield the earth’s surface from destructive high-energy-penetrating cosmic radiation and preserve the crucial ozone layer from cosmic ray destruction…”

How Did Iron Came To Earth?
There are many theories how these heavy elements came to earth one of which is that when the earth was like a ball of gas and ash that time, it might be bombarded with meteorite from outer space containing such elements, because of the high density of Iron it found its way towards the core of the earth.

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Black Hole dalam Alquran

Barangkali penemuan kosmologi modern terpenting adalah apa yang disebut Black Hole (Lobang Hitam) yang menunjuk kepada bintang-bintang yang sangat berat massanya. Bintang merupakan entitas yang melewati fase pembentukan, kemudian ia membesar dan berkembang hingga sampai fase kematian. Nah, Black Hole itu berada pada fase terakhir. Ketika volume bintang itu berkembang dengan skala yang besar, maka gravitasinya meningkat hingga batas-batas yang sangat besar, sehingga ia menarik segala sesuatu, hingga cahaya tidak bisa terlepas dari gravitasnya yang besar.

Karena itu, kita tidak mungkin melihat benda ini selama-lamanya karena ia sangat terssaljuyi. Dan karena itulah ia disebut Black Hole. Para ilmuwan menyatakan bahwa benda ini berjalan di alam semesta dengan kecepatan yang tinggi dan menarik setiap benda yang mendekatinya. Seandainya kita meminta para astronom untuk mendefinisikan mahluk yang menakjubkan ini secara ilmiah dan sesuai dengan penemuan mereka yang paling baru, maka mereka akan mengatakan:

1. Black Hole adalah bintang yang berat massanya dan terssaljuyi sehingga tidak bisa dilihat. 2. Makhluk ini berjalan dengan kecepatan mencapai puluhan ribu kilometer per detik. 3. Black Hole menarik, menekan, dan membersihkan setiap sesuatu yang ditemuinya dalam perjalanannya.

Nah, sekarang kita merujuk kepada isyarat al-Qur’an mengenai benda tersebut. Allah berfirman yang makna harfiahnya sebagai berikut, ‘Maka aku bersumpah dengan khunnas, yang berjalan lagi menyapu.’ (at-Takwir: 15-16)

Mari kita cermati maknanya dan sejauh mana kesesuaiannya dengan data-data sain modern.

Kata khunnas berarti sesuatu yang tidak terlihat selama-lamanya. Kata ini terbentuk dari kata khanasa yang berarti terssaljuyi. Karena itu, setan dalam surat an-Nas disebut khannas karena ia tidak terlihat. Kata al-jawari berarti yang berjalan atau berlari. Dan kata al-khunnas terambil dari kata kanasa yang berarti menarik sesuatu yang dekat dan menghimpun kepada dirinya dengan kuat. Dan inilah yang benar-benar terjadi pada Black Hole, tepat seperti yang dibicarakan al-Qur’an.

Al-Qur’an Mengungguli Astronom

Sain menyebut benda ini dengan Black Hole, tetapi penamaan ini tidak tepat. Karena istilah ‘Hole’ berarti kosong, dan itu sama sekali berlawanan dengan bintang-bintang yang memiliki massa yang berat sekali. Dan kata ‘Black’ juga tidak tepat secara ilmiah, karena benda ini tidak memiliki warna, karena ia tidak mengeluarkan suatu cahaya yang bisa dilihat.

Karena itu, kata khunnas adalah kata yang mendeskripsikan hakikat makhluk tersebut secara tepat. Dan kata khunnas yang berarti menyapu itu kita temukan di akhir artikel-artikel ilmiah tentang makhluk ini. Bahkan para ilmuwan menyatakan, ‘Benda itu menyapu ruang angkasa.’

Gambar di atas menunjukkan letupan suatu bintang karena kehabisan seluruh bahan bakarnya, dan ia mulai membentuk Black Hole (khunnas), karena energi pada bintang ini tidak lagi cukup baginya untuk eksis sebagai bintang. Inilah yang mengakibatkan bintang itu memudar dan meningkat gravitasinya. Dan karena itu al-Qur’an menyebut benda ini dengan kata al-jawari al-khunnas yang berarti yang berjalan dan berlari.

Fakta dan Angka

Mengenai bobotnya, Black Hole seberat bumi itu diameternya kurang dari satu sentimeter saja! Dan Black Hole seberat matahari itu diamenternya hanya 3 km. Subhanallah!

Black Hole ukuran sedang itu beratnya kilogram, atau 10 pangkat 31, dengan diameter 30 km saja. Ada banyak Black Hole di pusat galaksi kita dan galaksi-galaksi lain, dan satunya memiliki berat jutaan kali berat matahari.

Bagaimana Ilmuan Melihat Benda ini?

Bagaimana ia bisa dilihat sedangkan ia tidak mengeluarkan pancaran cahaya? Muncul pemikiran dari seorang peneliti bahwa Black Hole itu memiliki ukuran tertentu, dan ia berjalan di ruang angkasa. Ia pasti akan lewat di depan sebuah bintang sehingga cahayanya tertutup dari kita, seperti kejadian gerhana matahari. Setelah ide itu dilaksanakan dan terbukti benar, maka para ilmuwan sepakat bahwa cahaya bintang tersebut tertutup karena lewatnya Black Hole, sehingga mengakibatkan tertutupnya pancaran cahaya yang bersumber dari bintang tersebut. Hal itu terjadi selama jangka waktu tertentu, kemudian bintang tersebut kembali menunjukkan sinarnya.

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Mention Of Black Holes In The Quran

What Is A Black Hole
Event Horizon Animation
At the end of their life stars transform into a different form depending on the mass of the star. So for you, the primary thing to understand at least seven celestial objects white dwarfs, red giants, black holes, neutrino stars, Pulsars, nova, and supernova is that they all are transformed form of a star at the end of its life. The lifespan that God designed for the living beings had also been allocated for the stars. I already told you in part 16 that every day almost 275-400 million stars die and nearly 400 million new stars are born only in our observable universe.

Stars that have a lot of mass may end their lives as black holes or neutron stars. A Blackhole is thus a star’s transformation at the end of its life. The simplest definition of a black hole is an object that is so dense and tightly packed with matter that not even light can escape its surface. Black holes are the only objects in the universe that can also trap light. They get formed when a massive star collapses in on itself, becoming so dense that it bend and distort the fabric of space and time. Billions of billions of earth can go into a black hole and convert to nothingness. A black hole is such a strange thing in this universe that even time stops there inside a black hole. Black holes eat everything around its gravitational pull and suck the matter from nearby stars.

Space Time CurvedThe black hole in our galactic center is thought to have a mass of 4 millions suns and diameter of 17 million Km. Such black holes are like hubs around which many galaxies including our milky way rotates. So actually all stars and galaxies are rotating around giant black holes. O humankind these are actually knots your Lord has put there in the fabric of space and cosmos which keep it tight and balance against the expansion of the universe.

Quran Miracle: Black Holes Mentioned In Surah Waqiah
Now look that almost 1400 years ago this is what the Quran told us in Surah Waqiah verse 75-76.

٧٥ فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِمَوَاقِعِ النُّجُوم

٧٦ وَإِنَّهُ لَقَسَمٌ لَوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عَظِيم

Then I swear by the setting place of the stars,

And indeed, it is a mighty oath – if you could know. Surah Waqiah 56:75-76

Animation Showing Black Hole
Now this verse of Quran clearly indicating towards something strange and unusual as it is accompanied by verse 76 with the words and a swear by God that Indeed it is a Mighty Oath if we humans could know. Now with modern science, our understanding of cosmology tells us that there are indeed such things as the setting place of stars which are such a massive and giant gravitational entities that can put their effects on entire galaxies and distort the fabric of cosmos, the fabric of spacetime. So this word setting place of Star is actually where the stars fall at the end of their life, that is place or position of their transformation. Different Quranic translations used different meanings of this word “بِمَوَاقِعِ” some used it as “The place where the stars fall” (Please see below section where the detail meanings of this word are given) and believe me even this meaning also points towards something as mighty as a black hole. As already mentioned above that a black hole has such a strong gravity that it sucks matter from its surroundings… all the matter… the planets, the stars around it. Thus becoming a place where the stars fall.

The fourth word of verse 56:75 is a masculine plural noun and is in the genitive case مجرور. The noun’s root is (ن ج م). This root occurs 13 times in the Quran as the noun najm (نَّجْم).

N – genitive masculine plural noun → Star اسم مجرور

(ن ج م): To appear, rise, begin, accomplish, ensue, proceed Najmun: Nujûm( n . plu.): Star or collective of stars; Plant growing close to the earth with little or no stalk as grass; Germinaceous plant; Portions; Pleiades; Portion of the Holy Quran (as it was revealed in portions during the 23 years.)

The third word of verse 56:75 is divided into two morphological segments. A preposition and noun. The prefixed preposition bi is usually translated as “with” or “by”. The noun is masculine plural and is in the genitive case مجرور. The noun’s root is (و ق ع). Together the segments form a preposition phrase known as jār wa majrūr جار ومجرور. This root occurs 24 times in the Quran, in seven derived forms.

P – prefixed preposition bi

N – genitive masculine plural noun جار ومجرور

(و ق ع): To fall down, befall, come to pass, be conformed, happen, take place, ascertain. Used for stability and falling and persecution and aversion. Waqa‘a: He fell, prevailed, vindicated; fulfilled. Wâqi‘un: That going to fall on, that is befalling, descending. Wâqi‘atu: Inevitable event; Sure realty. Mawâqi‘u (n. place and time, plu.): Places and Times of the revelation, places and times of the setting. “Waqia” Event or cause/ “Mouqih”A place or time, where and when a thing happens/ Event, occurance, cause, establish, fall.